Monday, June 30, 2008

Scandinavian Style Figure Carving Class in Rogers, 2008

Scandinavian Style Figure Carving

I have carved hundreds of these figures over the years and they are for sale in some gift shops in northeast Minnesota as well as Engler's carving store in Branson, Missouri.

Realistic Relief - People

"Chairman" Blue Ribbon - AWC 2006 (Best of Group - Relief)

"Farmer in the Barn Window" Chip Chats cover, AWC 2007, 4th place

"Grandma" AWC 2003, blue ribbon (Best of Group - Relief)

"Mucker" AWC 2008 3rd place

Chip Carving #2

This is my second (work in progress) chip carving project started in the Wayne Barton class 6/2008.

Chip Carving #1 - Barton Class 6/2008

I took a chipcarving class this past week from Wayne Barton and this was my first project.

Relief Carving - Caricature

"George, In Another Mess" AWC 2008, 5th place in Caricature Relief

"Lincoln Thinking"


"FedEx Ground" AWC 2008, 2nd place in Caricature Relief

"Will Trade for Chevy Pickup" AWC 2006 - 1st place in Caricature Relief,

Best of Show in CCA Competition 2006, Cover of Carving Magazine - issue #19

"Gnome Eater" AWC 2008, 3rd place (Mythical Relief)

"Politics as Usual"

AWC Show 2008

This picture was taken by Don Mertz and shows me in Wayne Barton's chip carving class.

"FedEx Ground" This carving titled "FedEx Ground" was entered in Relief Carving/Caricature Relief and won a second place red ribbon. (it finished 2nd to another of my carvings)

AWC Show 2008

Instructor Assisted - Debra Bergum of Mountain Home, Arkansas won a blue ribbon and a 3rd Best of Group (29 carvings in this Group). Debra took my Santa relief class this past March and shows a lot of potential.

The old man bending over won a blue ribbon in Human Figure (Realistic - Painted)